Hosted by the GBA Athletics
Date: Apr 29, 2017
Time: 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Location: Augie's Tavern (Edgewater Hotel); 1001 Wisconsin Place,
Madison, Wisconsin, 53703
Crazy Legs is finally here! Come cheer on your friends and classmates running the 8K race! Gather at 9:00 a.m. at Augie's Tavern (previously called The Statehouse) at the Edgewater Hotel by Langdon Street. We will be able to see the runners from the patio. Non-GBA sponsored gatherings will take place after the race. Contact Jake Odell if you have any questions!
These are the runners from our program so far that have signed up: Will Scherbarth; Hannah Sutter-Balke; Kevin Cencula; Steve Merry; Sarah Freye; Andy Leeman; Bethany Kasper; Camille Clark; Azucena Flores; Grace Guo; Tim Masterton; Rushi Patel; Brett Thomas; Scott Maurer; Jason Neal.