Hosted by the Joint Venture Club
Date: Dec 9, 2018
Time: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Location: Patrick's Apartment's Party Room - 2550 University Ave Madison, WI
Hello JVCers,
It’s already that time of year again! The annual JVC Holiday Party will be held Sunday, December 9th from 1 pm to 4 pm at 2550 University Ave Madison, WI at Patrick's apartment's party room. The club will provide food and non-alcoholic beverages for the event. Feel free to BYOB. We’ll also have some games and fun things to do for the kids.
One of the highlights of the holiday party is the children’s gift exchange. If you’d like to participate please bring along a gift for the exchange (spending limit around $10.00). We’d like to start a new tradition to acknowledge how lucky we all are to be in our current positions. We encourage you to bring along a toy for Madison’s Toys for Tots chapter. We’ll donate anything received in the Joint Venture Club of WSB name.
Aside from adding this to your calendar, please also email Patrick Stahl at with how many people will be joining you (children and adults).