The Diversity in Business club intends to SHAPE Graduate Student Business Professionals towards BUILDing diverse and inclusive business environments by creating well rounded, socially and culturally conscious LEADers of tomorrow.

Advisor: Joi Adams

Membership Dues: Free

Wisconsin has long had a leading role in diversity efforts among business schools. We are one of three founders of the Consortium for Graduate Study in Management (CGSM). The Consortium is the nation’s largest diversity network, linking top-tier students, leading MBA programs and corporate partners, including Fortune 500 companies whose mission is to reduce the underrepresentation of African Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanic Americans in education and business. Learn more about earning a Wisconsin MBA and becoming a member of the consortium.

In addition, the Wisconsin School of Business Diversity Advisory Board provides guidance to the director of diversity and climate in shaping the school’s initiatives around the recruitment, retention, and placement of diverse candidates—particularly that of underrepresented candidates—as well as recruitment and retention of diverse faculty and staff. The board also provides guidance on and shares in the assessment of culture and climate matters for the school.

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